वर्ग:स्वदेश शब्दयादी

The list of words below was created from two lists (of 200 and 100 meanings) devised by the linguist Morris Swadesh. The words in the preferred 100 word list are designated by an asterisk (*). He used the words as a means of determining the closeness of any pair of languages. It is a useful list of the most common words, which are essential to most languages and may be used in learning basic communication in other languages and even multiple languages at once since, for basic communication, vocabulary is generally more useful than a knowledge of the target language syntax. Sometimes it is even possible to learn basic communication with no knowledge of the target language syntax.

For a basis to expand this list into other languages see the Swadesh Template. See also this Swadesh template with categories and parts-of-speech added. To visit a more extensive list of basic words in various languages (not a Swadesh list, though it includes and is cross-referenced to Swadesh words), see the Appendix:Basic English word list

To sort the table columns here (or for any other table in any HTML page), copy the javascript link from here (control-click the "sort table" link to copy the link) and once you have come back to this page, paste the javascript code you have copied into your URL window and run it. (The other table scripts there can also be used here.) Alternatively, instead of copying the link, you could drag it into your bookmarks toolbar, allowing the link to be accessible in the future from the toolbar. This sorting feature could be particularly useful if and when the categories of the Swadesh template and/or Basic English template are fleshed out.

Assorted Swadesh lists


Language-family Swadesh lists in need of expansion


"स्वदेश शब्दयादी" या वर्गीकरणातील लेख

या वर्गात फक्त खालील लेख आहे.